The Name Egyptian Cotons
Hello and welcome to Egyptian Cotons. The area of Illinois in which we live has historically been referred to as "Little Egypt" due to the similarities of the border mappings as it relates to the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt.
The Jewels of Egyptian Cotons
We offer what we consider the best companion in the world - A Coton de Tulear! These little guys are up for whatever the day has planned but can kick it back and chill if that is the featured event for the day. They are known as the anti-depressant dog and if you spend anytime around one of these guys, then you quickly discover why that is.
The Coton De Tulear has it's lineage tied to the island of Madgascar and is this country's national dog. Up until the early 1970's, only royalty of Madagascar were allowed to keep Cotons at which time they were officially imported to Europe and the Americas. While Coton's have a rich and colorful history with stories of roaming the seas with pirates and hunting prey in the jungles, the ones we have come to know and love are strictly companion dogs.
Coton's are hypoallergenic and are non-shedding in coat, much like their cousin, the Bichons. Their hair (as opposed to fur) is very soft and has a cotton ball feel and texture to it. They also have large expressive eyes and are known to be playful, intelligent, and affectionate breed.
Full AKC recognition of the Coton occurred in July, 2014 when Cotons were admitted into the Non-Sporting group.
of Excellence -
Breeders of Excellence
North American Coton Association
American Kennel Club - AKC.ORG

Egyptian Cotons
If you have an interest in learning more about Egyptians Cotons in Southern Illinois or about the breed in general, please feel free to contact Tracy & Kent McKown. We would be happy to share our love for these beautiful babies.
We plan on breeding LOTUS (AKC GCH) this winter with her first litter of puppies (hopefully) ready for new homes in Spring of 2023. IF EVERYTHING GOES AS PLANNED!! Ha!
If you are interested in getting on a list for updates, email us.
Herrin, ILÂ 62948